11. кинеска (Иангзхоу Оутдоор) изложба осветљења, 2023

Учествовали смо у3 данаChina Yangzhou Outdoor Lighting Exhibition from March 26 to March 28, 2023.The main products we are exhibiting this time are LED garden lights, LED lawn lights, solar garden lights, and solar lawn lights.These products are the products with the highest customer demand и највећу пажњу последњих година. We are also constantly developing our new products to meet the needs of customers.
Излагачи и даље имају производна предузећа, дистрибутере, грађевинске фирме, као и претходних година. Most of the peers participating in this exhibition are well-known enterprises in the field of outdoor lighting in China, and each factory has also exhibited new products representing their own manufacturers.

ЗХ П11

Са садашњег домаћег тржишта, главни производи су ЛЕД дворишна светла и соларна баштенска светла. Већина дизајна је једноставног изгледа.

Са ове изложбе видели смо и сопствене предности и недостатке наших производа. In the future, we will make persistent efforts to meet the needs of domestic and foreign customers and design and produce good products that meet the market needs.
During the exhibition, we invited a group of new and old customers to visit the exhibition, and asked them to put forward better suggestions for our products and services, so that we can improve our product quality and service level. They are also our loyal old customers, and also put forward various suggestions and opinions, and have given good suggestions for our quality improvement and the direction of new product development. Након изложбе, извршићемо прилагођавања добрим и примењивим сугестијама које изнесу купци. Верујемо да ће наши производи и услуге бити све бољи заједничким напорима купаца и наших.

Време поста: 17.05.2023